13 Lò Đúc, Hai Bà Trưng District, Hanoi
There are hundred of restaurants serving pho noodle in Hanoi. Delicious pho Hanoi has several dozen: Pho Bat Dan, pho Suong, pho Co Cu… each has a taste and a particular type of cooking. Pho Thin 13 Lo Duc (at 13 Lo Duc street) is also known as locally “Pho bo tai lan Lo Duc” (meaning noodle soup with rare beef, and it’s the only one dish you can order here at the restaurant, however the taste is different from other pho you might have tried).
If you are looking for a luxury or cozy place, have a relaxed seat taste pho noodle and this restaurant Pho Thin 13 Lo Duc might disappoint you. The restaurant is quite small, and crowded at meal time. However Pho Thin Hanoi has particular taste of traditional Pho Hanoi, worth to give it a try while in Hanoi.
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