157 Doi Can Street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi.
Opening hours: 8.00AM – 11.30AM and 13.30PM-16.30PM every day except for Monday and Friday.
Entrance fee: 30,000vnd/ticket
The B-52 Victory Museum Hanoi is the great pride of Hanoi people in particularly and of Vietnamese people in generally. If you visit Hanoi, you should not miss this interesting historical destination to learn more about our military history and victory. B-52 Victory Museum displays hundreds of artifacts about the heroic and glorious past of the army and the people of the capital Hanoi during the 12-day battle of death-brave, destroying the B-52 air raid on the US Air Force.
The outdoor display was the “airborne fort” of the US Air Force shot down by Hanoi’s civilians during a strategic air raid on North Vietnam in December 1972.
Just a few minutes walking to the Huu Tiep lake nearby, you will see the exact point where such giant B-52 fell at night Dec 27, 1972.
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